The teachers in training will carry out a dynamic to enhance the learning of the initial session, which will consist of all the children getting into motion and when they hear the word STOP, they will stop in their corresponding place and write a part of their body, which will be repeated twice more.
Warm up
An identification dynamic will be carried out, based on the song: head, shoulders, knees and toes. In order that students first listen to it without video, and try to test their ears to recognize vocabulary, then it will be listened to again but this time in the company of the image allowing to create an association for a better recognition of the vocabulary
In this session we will work around the comic, for this we will first ask the students who know about a comic, then we will arrange a tablet to each one so that the students visualize the comic “magic in the snow” during the course of the comic the web teachers will make questions for a better understanding.
The students will make groups of 5, when they are ready the teachers in formation will allow them to access a comic strip with some element of lack, be it the text balloons, the vignettes or the characters, so that they can complement it with new ideas giving the impression of a new comic.
This time of the session will be used to further advance the construction of the flip book sketch by adding another five drawings to the action they chose.